
dropTag writes the tagged reads into multiple files. All these files must be aligned to reference, and all bam files with the alignments must be provided as input for the dropEst stage. In the paper we used TopHat2 aligner, however any RNA-seq aligners (i.e. Kallisto or STAR) can be used.

Alignment with TopHat

  1. Install bowtie index for the sequenced organism.

  2. Download corresponding gene annotation in the gtf format.

  3. Run TopHat2 for each file:

    tophat2 -p number_of_threads --no-coverage-search -g 1 -G genes.gtf -o output_dir Bowtie2Index/genome reads.fastq.gz
  4. The result needed for the count estimation is ./output_dir/accepted_hits.bam.

Alignment with Kallisto

Prior to v0.42.4, Kallisto didn’t use BAM flags to mark primary/secondary alignments. Only versions :math:`geq` 0.42.4 are supported.

  1. Download transcript sequences in .fasta format (i.e. Ensembl genes).
  2. Build Kallisto index: kallisto index -i genes.fa.gz.
  3. Run kallisto quant --pseudobam --single -i genes.index -o out -l mean_length -s std_length reads.fastq.gz. Here, mean_length is mean length of RNA fragment (not read length) and std_length is standard deviataion of RNA fragment length. You should specify values, according to the experiment design.