
dropest: estimate molecular counts per cell

This phase requires aligned .bam files as input and uses them to estimate count matrix. These files must contain information about cell barcode and UMI for each read (reads, which don’t contain such information are ignored). Three possible ways to encode this information are acceptable: 1. Encode it in read names (as a result of dropTag phase). 2. Use .bam tags (i.e. output of 10x Cell Ranger). Tag names can be configured in *config.xml* file. 3. Save this information in a separate file using -s option on dropTag phase and pass it to dropEst with -r option.

Note. To run Bayesian algorithm of UMI error correction with dropestr, you need to pass information about UMI base call quality to dropEst. You can do it either using .bam tags or -s dropTag option (i.e. option 1 isn’t available in this case). You still can run simpler algorithms (i.e. cluster or directional, see paper) without this information.

Count matrix estimation also requires information about the source gene for the reads. It can be provided in three ways: 1. Use gene annotation in either .bad or .gtf format. To provide such file, “-g” option should be used. 2. Use .bam tags. Tag name can be configured in *config.xml* file. 3. Pseudoaligners encode gene names as chromosome names

Another crucial moment in estimation of count matrix is correction of cell barcode errors. Most protocols provide the list of real barcodes, which simplifies the task of correction. If such file is available, path to the file should be specified in the *config.xml* file (Estimation/Merge/barcodes_file). This can dramatically increase quality of the result. Lists for inDrop protocols can be found at dropEst/data/barcodes/. Two algorithms of barcode correction are available: 1. Simple, “-m” option. This algorithm is recommended in the case, where barcodes list is supplied. 2. Precise, “-M” option. Doesn’t requires list of real barcodes to obtain high-quality results, however has lower performance for large datasets.

Example command:

dropest [options] [-m] [-r pipeline_res.params.gz] -g ./hg38/genes.gtf -c ./config.xml ./alignment.*/accepted_hits.bam

Usage of tagged bam files (e.g. 10x, Drop-seq) as input

Some protocols provide pipelines, which create .bam files with information about CB, UMI and gene. To use these files as input, specify “-f” option. Example:

dropest [options] -f [-g ./genes.gtf] -c ./config.xml ./pipeline_res_*.bam

If “-g” option is provided, genes are parsed from the gtf, and information about genes from the bam file is ignored.

To specify corresponding .bam tag names, use “Estimation/BamTags” section in the config (see configs/config_desc.xml).

Usage of pseudoaligners

Pseudoaligners, such as Kallisto store gene / transcript names in the field of chromosome name. To parse such files, use “-P” option. Example: bash  dropest [options] -P [-r pipeline_res.params.gz] -c ./config.xml ./kallisto_res_*.bam

Count intronic / exonic reads only

One feature of the pipeline is the ability to count only UMIs, which reads touch only specific parts of a genome. Option “-L” allows to specify all acceptable types of regions: * e: UMIs with exonic reads only * i: UMIs with intronic reads only * E: UMIs, which have both exonic and not annotated reads * I: UMIs, which have both intronic and not annotated reads * B: UMIs, which have both exonic and intronic reads * A: UMIs, which have exonic, intronic and not annotated reads

Thus, to count all UMIs with exonic or not annotated reads, use “-L eE”. Default value: “-L eEBA”, i.e. to count all UMIs, which have at least one reads, touching exon.

Example commands: * Intronic reads only: bash     dropest [-f] [-g ./genes.gtf] [-r pipeline_res.params.gz] -L i -c ./config.xml ./alignment_*.bam * Exonic reads only: bash     dropest [-f] [-g ./genes.gtf] [-r pipeline_res.params.gz] -L e -c ./config.xml ./alignment_*.bam * Exon/intron spanning reads: bash     dropest [-f] [-g ./genes.gtf] [-r pipeline_res.params.gz] -L BA -c ./config.xml ./alignment_*.bam

The pipeline can determine genome regions either using .gtf annotation file or using .bam tags, i.e. for CellRanger output (see Estimation/BamTags/Type in configs/config_desc.xml). If .gtf file isn’t provided and .bam file doesn’t containt annotation tags, all reads with not empty gene tag are considered as exonic.

Note. There is no way to extract information about intronic reads from pseudoalignment, so you can’t use pseudoaligners at this stage.

Velocyto integration

For some purposes (i.e. velocyto) it can be useful to look separately at the fraction of intronic and exonic UMIs. Option “-V” allows to output three separate count matrices, each of which contains only UMIs of a specific type: intronic, exonic or exon/intron spanning. These matrices are stored in the separate file “cell.counts.matrices.rds”.

Note. Please ensure that you provided gtf file with genes with -g option.

Command line arguments for dropEst

  • -b, –bam-output: print tagged bam files
  • -c, –config filename: xml file with estimation parameters
  • -C, –cells num: maximal number of output cells
  • -f, –filled-bam: bam file already contains genes/barcodes tags
  • -F, –filtered-bam: print tagged bam file after the merge and filtration
  • -g, –genes filename: file with genes annotations (.bed or .gtf)
  • -G, –genes-min num: minimal number of genes in output cells
  • -l, –log-prefix : logs prefix
  • -m, –merge-barcodes : merge linked cell tags
  • -M, –merge-barcodes-precise : use precise merge strategy (can be slow), recommended to use when the list of real barcodes is not available
  • -o, –output-file filename : output file name
  • -P, –pseudoaligner: use chromosome name as a source of gene id
  • -q, –quiet : disable logs
  • -r, –read-params filenames: file or files with serialized params from tags search step. If there are several files, they should be provided in quotes, separated by space: “file1.params.gz file2.params.gz file3.params.gz”
  • -R, –reads-output: print count matrix for reads and don’t use UMI statistics
  • -u, –merge-umi: apply ‘directional’ correction of UMI errors. This option prevents output of reads_per_umi_per_cell. If you want to apply more advanced UMI correction, don’t use ‘-u’, but use follow up R analysis.
  • -V, –velocyto : save separate count matrices for exons, introns and exon/intron spanning reads
  • -w, –write-mtx : write out matrix in MatrixMarket format


Result of this phase is cell.counts.rds file with the next fields: * cm (sparse matrix): count matrix in sparse format * reads_per_chr_per_cell (list of data.frame): number of reads per cell (row) for each chromosome (column): * Exon (data.frame): exonic reads * Intron (data.frame): intronic reads * Intergenic (data.frame): intergenic reads * mean_reads_per_umi (vector): mean number of reads per UMI for each cell * some additional info

To additionaly print the file with count matrix in MatrixMarket format use “-w” option.