
droptag -- generate tagged fastq files for alignment

Example command:

./droptag -c config.xml [-S] [-s] reads1.fastq reads2.fastq [...]

Positional arguments of the dropTag phase contain paths to the read files, obtained with a sequencer. These files can be either in .fastq of .fastq.gz format. The file order depends on the type of used protocol. Below is the instruction on the usage for currently supported protocols.

Note. Algorithm of UMI correction requires information about base-call quality of UMIs. To save this information, use -s option. In this case, in addition to fastq files with reads, the pipeline saves separate gzipped file with read parameters. These files must be passed to dropEst with -r option.


inDrop v1 & v2

  • File 1: barcode reads. Structure:
  • Cell barcode, part 1
  • Spacer
  • Cell barcode, part 2
  • UMI
  • File 2: gene reads
Example config file is located at “dropEst/configs/indrop_v1_2.xml”.
Example command:
./droptag -c [-S] [-s] ~/dropEst/configs/indrop_v1_2.xml barcode_reads.fastq gene_reads.fastq

inDrop v3

  • File 1: cell barcode, part 1 (default length: 8bp)
  • File 2: cell barcode + UMI, part 1 (default length: >= 14bp)
  • File 3: gene read
  • File 4 (optional): library tag

If a file with library tags provided, option “-t” is required. *This option wasn’t tested properly, so it’s better to avoid using it.*

Example config file is located at “dropEst/configs/indrop_v3.xml”.
Example command:
./droptag -c ~/dropEst/configs/indrop_v3.xml [-S] [-s] [-t library_tag] barcode1_reads.fastq barcode2_reads.fastq gene_reads.fastq [library_tags.fastq]


  • File 1: library tag (default length: 8bp)
  • File 2: cell barcode + UMI, part 1 (default length: 16+10=26bp)
  • File 3: gene read
Example config file is located at “dropEst/configs/10x.xml”.
Example command:
./droptag -c ~/dropEst/configs/10x.xml [-S] [-s] lib_tag_reads.fastq barcode_reads.fastq gene_reads.fastq

While dropTag provides way to demultiplex 10x data, Cell Ranger is still highly recommended tool for this. dropEst phase can be ran on the Cell Ranger demultiplexed .bam file to obtain data in the format, optimized for the subsequent analysis.

Note. Sometimes 10x CellRanger isn’t able to determine gene, from which a read originated. In this cases it fills gene info with a list of possible genes, separated by semicolon (e.g. ‘ENSG00000255508;ENSG00000254772’). These genes must be filtered out prior to further analysis:

holder <- readRDS('./cell.counts.rds')
cm <- holder$cm[grep("^[^;]+$", rownames(holder$cm)),]


  • File 1: Gene reads with barcodes at the beginning of the sequence
Example config file is located at “dropEst/configs/iclip.xml”.
Example command:
./droptag -c ~/dropEst/configs/iclip.xml [-S] [-s] data.fastq

Note. Implementation of iCLIP wasn’t tested properly. Please, be careful using it. Anyone who used it is very welcome to comment it either in Issues or by e-mail.


  • File 1: UMI + cell barcode (3 parts)
  • File 2: Gene reads

Example config file is located at “dropEst/configs/split_seq.xml”. Example command:

./droptag -c ~/dropEst/configs/split_seq.xml [-S] [-s] barcode_reads.fastq gene_reads.fastq


  • File 1: Cell barcode + UMI
  • File 2: Gene reads

Example config file is located at “dropEst/configs/seq_well.xml”. Example command:

./droptag -c ~/dropEst/configs/seq_well.xml [-S] [-s] barcode_reads.fastq gene_reads.fastq


  • File 1: Cell barcode + UMI
  • File 2: Gene reads

Example config file is located at “dropEst/configs/drop_seq.xml”. Example command:

./droptag -c ~/dropEst/configs/drop_seq.xml [-S] [-s] barcode_reads.fastq gene_reads.fastq

Note. Implementation of Drop-seq wasn’t tested properly. Please, be careful using it. Anyone who used it is very welcome to comment it either in Issues or by e-mail.

Alternatively, to run processing on the bam files, obtained with Drop-seq tools, see Usage of tagged bam files.


  • File 1: Cell barcode + UMI
  • File 2: Gene reads

Example config file is located at “dropEst/configs/cel_seq2.xml”. Example command:

./droptag -c ~/dropEst/configs/cel_seq2.xml [-S] [-s] barcode_reads.fastq gene_reads.fastq

Note. Implementation of CEL-Seq2 wasn’t tested properly. Please, be careful using it. Anyone who used it is very welcome to comment it either in Issues or by e-mail.

Command line arguments for dropTag

  • -c, –config filename: xml file with droptag parameters
  • -l, –log-prefix prefix: logs prefix
  • -n, –name name: alternative output base name
  • -p, –parallel number: number of threads (usage of more than 6 threads should lead to significant speed up)
  • -r, –reads-per-out-file : maximum number of reads per output file; (0 - unlimited). Overrides corresponding xml parameter.
  • -S, –save-stats : save stats to rds file. This data is used on the dropReport phase.
  • -t, –lib-tag library tag : (for IndropV3 with library tag only)
  • -q, –quiet : disable logs

Please, use ./droptag -h for additional help.